Directed by Zaki Solosho from London-based production company Zakography, and shot in the wonderfully picturesque Cotswolds, 2nd single “Smile” is a song to individuality, attitude, uniqueness and drive. It doesn’t matter who you are, where you come from, how good looking or smart you might be, whether you are rich or poor, just be yourself in a rightful and beautiful way. Owe it to yourself to respect life and the place you hold inside it, during the few years you are a living and creative part of it. And never forget to be vulnerable, as vulnerability is such a genuine attitude toward life, whatever your religion or stance in the world. Drum production, mixed and mastered by Vinnie Castaldo @ the Tone factory recording studios, Las Vegas, NV.
Legendary O’jays frontman Eddie Levert’s ‘Did I Make you go Ooh’ single from his 2015 record of the same title. Video by Ryan Williams, music recorded and mixed by Vinnie Castaldo @ the Tone Factory recording studios, Las Vegas, NV. *We do not claim rights to this music.
Justin Mather’s video single for his song ‘Wickenburg’ recorded mixed and mastered by Vinnie Castaldo at the Tone Factory recording studios, Las Vegas, NV.